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to seed players

  • 1 ♦ seed

    ♦ seed /si:d/
    n. [uc] (pl. seeds, seed)
    1 seme; semenza; semente; (fig.) causa, germe, origine; progenie, stirpe: airborne seeds, semi trasportati dall'aria; to sow the seeds of discord, gettare il seme della discordia; the seed of Adam, la stirpe (o la progenie) d'Adamo; to plant the seeds of doubt in sb., insinuare il germe del dubbio in q.; the seeds of revolt, il germe della rivolta
    2 (biol.) seme; sperma
    3 ( sport, fam.) = seeded player e seeded team ► seeded
    ● (bot.) seed-ball, capsula □ seed-case = seed-vessel ► sotto □ (bot.) seed coat, testa; tegumento seminale □ seed corn, (agric.) grano ( USA: granturco) da semina, semente; (fig., fin.) germe, seme ( di profitti futuri) □ (agric.) seed-drill, seminatrice ( macchina) □ (zool.) seed-eater, uccello granivoro □ seed-leaf, foglia seminale; germoglio □ (bot.) seed-lobe, cotiledone □ seed merchant, commerciante di sementi □ (fin.) seed money, stanziamento iniziale; capitale (o fondi) d'avviamento di un'impresa □ the seed of Abraham, il seme d'Abramo; gli ebrei □ seed-pearl, perla minuta; perlina □ seed plant, pianta da semina □ seed-plot, semenzaio □ (agric.) seed-plough, aratro seminatore □ seed potatoes, patate per seme; patate da semina □ seed-time, tempo della semina □ (bot.) seed-vessel, pericarpo □ to go (o to run) to seed, far seme, produrre seme, sementire; (fig.) andare in malora, guastarsi, sciuparsi.
    (to) seed /si:d/
    A v. i.
    1 ( di pianta) produrre seme; sementire
    2 seminare; fare la semina
    B v. t.
    2 togliere i semi da; sgranare
    5 ( tennis) classificare ( un giocatore) nella graduatoria mondiale.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ seed

  • 2 seed

    1. noun
    1) (grain) Samen, der; Samenkorn, das; (of grape etc.) Kern, der; (for birds) Korn, das
    2) no pl., no indef. art. (seeds collectively) Samen[körner] Pl.; (for sowing) Saatgut, das; Saat, die

    go or run to seed — Samen bilden; [Salat:] [in Samen] schießen; (fig.) herunterkommen (ugs.)

    3) (fig.): (beginning) Saat, die

    sow [the] seeds of doubt/discord — Zweifel aufkommen lassen/Zwietracht säen

    4) (Sport coll.) gesetzter Spieler/gesetzte Spielerin
    2. transitive verb
    1) (place seeds in) besäen
    2) (Sport) setzen [Spieler]

    be seeded number oneals Nummer eins gesetzt werden/sein

    3) (lit. or fig.): (sprinkle [as] with seed) besäen
    3. intransitive verb
    (produce seeds) Samen bilden
    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) der Samen
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) der Keim
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) gesetzt
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) Samen tragen
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) verteilen
    - academic.ru/110364/seeded">seeded
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (source of a plant) Same[n] m; of grain Korn nt
    \seeds pl AGR Saat f kein pl, Saatgut nt kein pl
    to sow \seeds Samen [aus]säen
    2. no pl (seeds) Samen pl
    carrot/parsley/poppy \seed Karotten-/Petersilien-/Mohnsamen pl
    to go [or run] to \seed Samen bilden [o tragen]; salad, vegetables schießen
    to sow the \seeds of sth etw säen fig, den Keim zu etw dat legen
    4. no pl ( liter: semen) Samen m
    5. no pl ( old: offspring) Nachkommenschaft f
    the \seed of Abraham/Moses die Kinder Abrahams/Moses
    6. (seeded player) Platzierte(r) f(m)
    top [or number one] \seed Erstplatzierte(r) f(m)
    7. COMPUT Startwert m
    to go [or run] to \seed herunterkommen fam
    II. vt
    to \seed a bed/field ein Beet/Feld besäen
    2. (drop its seed)
    to \seed itself sich akk aussäen
    3. (help start)
    to \seed sth etw bestücken [o ausstatten]
    to \seed a project with the necessary funds ein Projekt mit den nötigen Mitteln versehen
    4. (remove seeds from)
    to \seed sth etw entkernen
    to be \seeded gesetzt [o platziert] sein
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (BOT: one single) Samen m; (of grain, poppy, sesame etc) Korn nt; (within fruit) (Samen)kern m; (collective) Samen pl; (for birds) Körner pl; (= grain) Saat f, Saatgut nt; (liter, = sperm) Samen pl; (= offspring) Nachkommen pl; (fig, of unrest, idea etc) Keim m (of zu)

    to go or run to seed (vegetables) — schießen; (flowers) einen Samenstand bilden; ( fig : person ) herunterkommen

    he sowed the seed from which... developed — er hat den Keim gelegt, aus dem sich... entwickelte

    I don't want to make a detailed proposal, just to sow the seeds — ich möchte keinen konkreten Vorschlag machen, ich möchte nur den Boden dafür bereiten

    2) (SPORT)

    the number one seed — der/die als Nummer eins Gesetzte

    2. vt
    1) (= sow with seed) besäen
    2) (= extract seeds from) entkernen
    3) (SPORT) setzen, platzieren
    3. vi
    (vegetables) schießen; (flowers) Samen entwickeln
    4. vr
    * * *
    seed [siːd]
    1. BOT
    a) Same m
    b) (Obst)Kern m
    c) koll Samen pl
    d) AGR Saat(gut) f(n):
    go ( oder run) to seed schießen (Salat etc), fig herunter-, verkommen, verwahrlosen
    2. AGR, BOT Diasporen pl (Verbreitungseinheiten der Pflanzen)
    3. obs oder dial PHYSIOL Samen m, Sperma n
    4. ZOOL Ei n oder Eier pl (besonders des Hummers und der Seidenraupe)
    5. ZOOL Austernbrut f
    6. BIBEL koll Same m, Nachkommen(schaft) pl(f):
    the seed of Abraham der Same Abrahams (die Juden);
    not of mortal seed nicht irdischer Herkunft
    7. pl fig Saat f, Keim m:
    the seeds of reform (suspicion) der Keim einer Reform (des Argwohns);
    sow the seeds of discord (die Saat der) Zwietracht säen
    8. MED Radiumkapsel f (zur Krebsbehandlung etc)
    9. Bläschen n (in Glas)
    10. SPORT gesetzte(r) Spieler(in):
    XY, the third seed XY, an Nummer drei gesetzt oder die Nummer drei der Setzliste
    B v/t
    1. Samen (aus)säen
    2. einen Acker etc besäen ( with mit)
    3. entsamen, Obst entkernen, Flachs riffeln
    4. SPORT einen Spieler etc setzen:
    he eliminated third-seeded XY er schaltete den an Nummer drei gesetzten XY aus
    5. METEO Wolken impfen
    C v/i
    1. BOT
    a) Samen tragen
    b) in Samen schießen
    c) sich aussäen
    2. AGR
    a) säen
    b) pflanzen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (grain) Samen, der; Samenkorn, das; (of grape etc.) Kern, der; (for birds) Korn, das
    2) no pl., no indef. art. (seeds collectively) Samen[körner] Pl.; (for sowing) Saatgut, das; Saat, die

    go or run to seed — Samen bilden; [Salat:] [in Samen] schießen; (fig.) herunterkommen (ugs.)

    3) (fig.): (beginning) Saat, die

    sow [the] seeds of doubt/discord — Zweifel aufkommen lassen/Zwietracht säen

    4) (Sport coll.) gesetzter Spieler/gesetzte Spielerin
    2. transitive verb
    1) (place seeds in) besäen
    2) (Sport) setzen [Spieler]

    be seeded number one — als Nummer eins gesetzt werden/sein

    3) (lit. or fig.): (sprinkle [as] with seed) besäen
    3. intransitive verb
    (produce seeds) Samen bilden
    * * *
    Keim-) -e m.
    Saat -en f.
    Saatgut n.
    Same -n m.
    Samen -- m. v.
    säen v.

    English-german dictionary > seed

  • 3 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) frø; -frø
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) spire; kerne
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) seedet deltager
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) gå i frø
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) seede
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) frø; -frø
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) spire; kerne
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) seedet deltager
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) gå i frø
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) seede
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Danish dictionary > seed

  • 4 seed

    1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) semilla
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) pizca, punta
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) cabeza de serie

    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) granar
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) preseleccionar
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    seed n semilla
    1 SMALLBOTANY/SMALL (gen) semilla; (for planting) semilla, simiente nombre femenino; (of fruit) pepita
    2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (tennis) cabeza nombre masulino o femenino de serie
    1 (plant seeds) sembrar ( with, de)
    2 (remove seed) despepitar
    to go to seed/run to seed (plant) granar 2 (person) descuidarse, abandonarse, echarse a perder
    to plant/sow the seeds of something sembrar las semillas de algo
    seed potato patata de siembra
    seed ['si:d] vt
    1) sow: sembrar
    2) : despepitar, quitarle las semillas a
    seed n, pl seed or seeds
    1) : semilla f, pepita f (de una fruta)
    2) source: germen m, semilla f
    grano s.m.
    pipa s.f.
    semilla s.f.
    siembra s.f.
    simiente s.f.
    dejar caer semillas v.
    granar v.
    seleccionar v.
    sembrar v.

    I siːd
    a) c ( of plant) semilla f, simiente f (liter); (of orange, grape) (AmE) pepita f, semilla f; sow I
    b) u ( collectively) semillas fpl, simiente f

    to go o run to seed — ( lit) \<\<plant\>\> granar; ( deteriorate)

    2) c ( origins) (often pl) germen m, semilla f

    to sow the seeds of doubt — sembrar* (el germen de) la duda

    3) c ( Sport) cabeza mf de serie, sembrado, -da m,f (Méx)

    transitive verb ( Sport) (usu pass)

    a seeded player — un jugador cabeza de serie, un sembrado (Méx)

    1. N
    1) (Bot) [of plant] semilla f, simiente f ; (inside fruit) pepita f ; [of grain] grano m

    poppy seedssemillas fpl de amapola

    to go or run to seed — (lit) granar, dar en grana; (fig) ir a menos

    he's really gone to seed — se ha echado a perder, ha ido cada vez a peor

    sesame 2., sunflower 2.
    2) (Sport) (=player, team) cabeza mf de serie
    3) (fig) [of idea etc] germen m
    4) euph (=semen) simiente f ; (=offspring) descendencia f
    2. VT
    1) (=plant with seeds) sembrar ( with de)
    2) (=remove seed of) [+ fruits] despepitar
    3) (Sport) clasificar como cabeza de serie
    VI (Bot) (=form seeds) granar, dar en grana; (=shed seeds) dejar caer semillas

    seed box Ncaja f de simientes, semillero m

    seed corn N — (lit) trigo m de siembra

    seed merchant Nvendedor(a) m / f de semillas

    seed money N — (Comm) capital m inicial

    seed pod Nvaina f

    seed potato Npatata f or (LAm) papa f de siembra

    seed tray N= seed box

    * * *

    I [siːd]
    a) c ( of plant) semilla f, simiente f (liter); (of orange, grape) (AmE) pepita f, semilla f; sow I
    b) u ( collectively) semillas fpl, simiente f

    to go o run to seed — ( lit) \<\<plant\>\> granar; ( deteriorate)

    2) c ( origins) (often pl) germen m, semilla f

    to sow the seeds of doubt — sembrar* (el germen de) la duda

    3) c ( Sport) cabeza mf de serie, sembrado, -da m,f (Méx)

    transitive verb ( Sport) (usu pass)

    a seeded player — un jugador cabeza de serie, un sembrado (Méx)

    English-spanish dictionary > seed

  • 5 seed

    si:d 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) frø
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) kim, spire, kjerne
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) nummer (...) på ranglista
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) sette frø, frø seg
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) seede
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    subst. \/siːd\/
    1) frø
    2) ( landbruk) såvarer, såkorn, sæd
    3) kjerne, stein
    4) ( overført) spire, frø, kime, opprinnelse
    5) ( zoologi) sæd, sperma
    6) (zoologi, fisk) melke
    7) liten blære, kapsel
    8) ( kjemi) kim, krystallisasjonskim, krystallisator
    9) ( sport) seedet spiller
    he is no.1 seed
    10) ( bibelsk) sæd, avkom, etterkommere, slekt, ætt
    raise up seed sette barn til verden
    run to seed gå under
    the seed of someone noens ætt
    the seed of something spiren til noe
    sow the good seed så den gode sæd, preke, forkynne evangeliet
    sow the seeds of love få kjærligheten til å spire\/blomstre
    sow the seeds of something så frø fra noe ( overført) så spirer til noe, plante de første tankene\/ideene om noe
    verb \/siːd\/
    1) beså, så
    2) ta kjernene ut av, fjerne frøene fra
    3) gå i frø, frø seg, sette frø
    4) ( sport) seede
    5) ( overført) seede, sortere
    6) ( kjemi) krystallisere
    seed down så til, så (med gressfrø)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > seed

  • 6 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) seme
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) kal
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) igralec, ki ima kvalifikacijo
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) iti v seme
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) oddeliti
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    seme, semenje; kal; pečka; ikra; zoology seme, sperma; botany diaspora; Bible potomstvo; figuratively začetek, izvor
    to raise (up) seed figuratively zaploditi; roditi otroke, potomstvo
    to run (to go) to seed — iti v seme, v cvet; figuratively podivjati, izroditi se; figuratively popustiti v dejavnosti
    he goes to seed figuratively z njim gre navzdol
    to sow the seed of discord — sejati seme razdora;
    intransitive verb
    iti v (pognati) seme, dati seme, obroditi; osuti se; transitive verb posejati, zasejati; odstraniti, izluščiti seme (pečke iz sadja); drzati, smukati (lan); sport ločiti, oddeliti slabše tekmovalce od boljših

    English-Slovenian dictionary > seed

  • 7 seed

    I [siːd]
    1) (of plant) seme m.; (fruit pip) seme m., semino m.
    2) U (for sowing) semi m.pl., semente f.; gastr. seme m.

    to go o run to seed — [ plant] sementire, fare seme; fig. [ person] rovinarsi; [organization, country] andare in rovina

    3) fig. (beginning) germe m.
    4) sport testa f. di serie
    II 1. [siːd]
    1) (sow) seminare [field, lawn] ( with a)
    2) gastr. (anche deseed) togliere i semi da [ grape]
    3) sport scegliere come testa di serie

    to be seeded sixth o (number) six essere scelto come sesta testa di serie; seeded player — (giocatore scelto come) testa di serie

    verbo intransitivo [ plant] sementire, fare seme
    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) seme
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) seme
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) (testa di serie)
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) produrre seme
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) selezionare
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    I [siːd]
    1) (of plant) seme m.; (fruit pip) seme m., semino m.
    2) U (for sowing) semi m.pl., semente f.; gastr. seme m.

    to go o run to seed — [ plant] sementire, fare seme; fig. [ person] rovinarsi; [organization, country] andare in rovina

    3) fig. (beginning) germe m.
    4) sport testa f. di serie
    II 1. [siːd]
    1) (sow) seminare [field, lawn] ( with a)
    2) gastr. (anche deseed) togliere i semi da [ grape]
    3) sport scegliere come testa di serie

    to be seeded sixth o (number) six essere scelto come sesta testa di serie; seeded player — (giocatore scelto come) testa di serie

    verbo intransitivo [ plant] sementire, fare seme

    English-Italian dictionary > seed

  • 8 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) semente
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) pontinha
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) jogador escalado
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) dar semente
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) escalado, decrépito
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    [si:d] n 1 semente, grão. 2 bulbo, broto, muda. 3 germe. 4 semeadura: quantidade de sementes para uma semeação (plantação). 5 esperma, sêmen. • vt+vi 1 semear. 2 espalhar sementes. 3 descaroçar, remover sementes. 4 espalhar, esparramar. to run to seed produzir semente, espigar, fig relaxar, desleixar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > seed

  • 9 seed

    nasienie nt; ( fig) (usu pl) ziarno nt

    to go to seed plant wydawać (wydać perf) nasiona; ( fig) person niedołężnieć (zniedołężnieć perf)

    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) nasienie
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) ziarnko
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) rozstawiony zawodnik
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) (wy)produkować nasiona
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) rozstawić
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Polish dictionary > seed

  • 10 seed

    csíra, sperma, ondó, mag to seed: megérik, bevet, elvet, szemesedik, kimagoz
    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) mag
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) csíra
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) kiemelt játékos
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) magot hoz
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) kiemel (játékost)
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Hungarian dictionary > seed

  • 11 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) fræ
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) (efasemdar)fræ
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) bestu leikmönnum dreift í riðla
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) bera fræ
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) dreifa/sá bestu leikmönnum í riðla
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Icelandic dictionary > seed

  • 12 seed

    n. istiridye yavruları, tohum, çekirdek, tane, meni, sperma, döl, çocuk
    v. tohum vermek, tohum ekmek, çekirdeğini çıkarmak, sınıflamak (yarışmacıları)
    * * *
    1. tohum ek (v.) 2. tohum (n.)
    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) tohum, çekirdek
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) tohum
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) şampiyon adayı
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) tohum vermek
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) sıralamak, eşleştirmek
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Turkish dictionary > seed

  • 13 seed

    • jyvä
    • siementyä
    • siemen
    • siementää
    • siittiö
    • muren
    • kylvösiemen
    • kylvö
    • kylvää
    * * *
    si:d 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) siemen
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) siemen
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) sijoitettu pelaaja
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) tehdä siementä
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) sijoittaa
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Finnish dictionary > seed

  • 14 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) sēkla
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) sēkla; iedīglis
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) izlases sportists
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) dot sēklas
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) atsijāt; atlasīt
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    sēkla; iedīglis; dīglis; pēcnācējs; izlases dalībnieks, sākums; dot sēklas, sēkloties; sēt; apsēt; izņemt sēklas; atpogaļot; atlasīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > seed

  • 15 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) sėkla
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) sėkla, grūdas
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) atrinktas žaidėjas
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) brandinti sėklas
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) atrinkti
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > seed

  • 16 seed

    n. frö; säd; utsäde; kärna; början, begynnelse; avkomma; sädesvätska; seedad spelare (i sport)
    v. så; fröa sig; sålla; kärna (ur); seeda (i sport)
    * * *
    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) frö
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) frö
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) seedad spelare
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) gå i frö, fröa sig
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) seeda
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Swedish dictionary > seed

  • 17 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) semeno
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) zárodek
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) nasazený hráč
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) zrát na semeno
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) nasadit
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    • sémě
    • semeno
    • jádro

    English-Czech dictionary > seed

  • 18 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) semeno
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) zárodok
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) nasadený hráč
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) zrieť na semeno
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) nasadiť
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed
    * * *
    • utvorit semená
    • vajícko
    • vysemenit
    • vyberat semená
    • zdroj
    • zárodok
    • zrno
    • semienka
    • semienko
    • semeno
    • jadrá
    • jadro
    • bublina
    • rozosievat
    • osivo
    • pociatocné císlo
    • pociatok
    • pramen
    • pôvod
    • potomkovia
    • potomstvo
    • mladá ustrica

    English-Slovak dictionary > seed

  • 19 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) boabă, sămânţă
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) germen
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) cap de serie
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) a germina
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) a clasifica
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Romanian dictionary > seed

  • 20 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) σπόρος
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) σπέρμα,κόκκος
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) παίκτης κλάσεως
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.)
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.)
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Greek dictionary > seed

См. также в других словарях:

  • seed|ing — «SEE dihng», noun. 1. a sowing of seed; sowing with seed. 2. the production of seed. 3. the distribution of players in a tournament. 4. the dropping of dry ice or other chemicals into clouds …   Useful english dictionary

  • seed — seedless, adj. seedlessness, n. seedlike, adj. /seed/, n., pl. seeds, (esp. collectively) seed, v., adj. n. 1. the fertilized, matured ovule of a flowering plant, containing an embryo or rudimentary plant. 2. any propagative part of a plant,… …   Universalium

  • seed — [[t]sid[/t]] n. pl. seeds, (esp. collectively)seed, 1) bot the fertilized, matured ovule of a flowering plant, containing an embryo or rudimentary plant 2) bot any propagative part of a plant, including tubers and bulbs 3) bot such parts… …   From formal English to slang

  • seed — I. noun (plural seed or seeds) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sǣd; akin to Old High German sāt seed, Old English sāwan to sow more at sow Date: before 12th century 1. a. (1) the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing ( …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • seed — /sid / (say seed) noun (plural seeds or seed) 1. the propagative part of a plant, especially as preserved for growing a new crop, including ovules, tubers, bulbs, etc. 2. such parts collectively. 3. Botany a structure containing an embryo plant… …  

  • seed — {{11}}seed (n.) O.E. sed, sæd, from P.Gmc. *sædis, *sæda (Cf. O.N. sað, O.S. sad, O.Fris. sed, M.Du. saet, O.H.G. sat, Ger. Saat), from root *sæ to sow, from PIE root *se to sow (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • seed*/*/*/ — [siːd] noun I 1) [C/U] a small hard part produced by a plant that can grow into a new plant of the same type a packet of seeds[/ex] You can sow grass seed to cover the worn patches.[/ex] I grew these herbs from seed.[/ex] 2) [C] a player who is… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • seed — sɪːd n. ovule of a plant; grain, kernel; sperm; source, origin; offspring, progeny; ranked player or competitor (Sports) v. plant or sow seeds; produce seeds; remove seeds; rank players or competitors (Sports) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Music of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED — This article lists the albums attributed to the series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. Contents 1 Soundtracks 1.1 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK I 1.2 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK II …   Wikipedia

  • Jimmy Seed — Infobox Football biography playername = Jimmy Seed fullname = James Marshall Seed dateofbirth = birth date|1895|3|25|df=y cityofbirth = Blackhill countryofbirth = England dateofdeath = July 16 1966 (aged 71) cityofdeath = Farnborough… …   Wikipedia

  • Huck Seed — infobox poker player firstname=Huck lastname=Seed nickname= caption=Seed at the 2007 World Series of Poker hometown= wsop bracelet count=4 wsop money finishes=35 wsop main event best finish rank=Winner wsop main event best finish year=1996 wpt… …   Wikipedia

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